An actual Illinois Nazi Is running for office
on The Republican Ticket, Trump Wants A
(<-Anal Plug)
“shut down” if he doesn’t get a wall & now
‘Human Trump Anal Plug’ Sean Hannity, is
positive the stock market plunge was really
“Obama’s Fault”. Ha Ha ha ha ha ha. FUCK
OFF!! And Speaking of Utterly insane idiots
Trump is Now in The “Anger” Part Of the 5
Stages Of Death/Jail. It, Is Called “DABDA”
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression And
finally Acceptance. He will Never get to the
(Times Up!)
final two; see he’s a lying racist moron fuck
sociopath Incapable of Feelings. The Entire
Republican Party today are all intentionally
lying, picking a Fight with Their own DOJ &
FBI/CIA while Ignoring Reality. This insane
tactic, Will lead to Their Entire Party’s utter
collapse. When All you do Is Lie for a living,
cheat, abuse others, hurt others, Ignore the
law, Launder Russian $, Obstruct Justice, &
ignore Our Constitution, There Will be such
a cataclysmic Reckoning; they ALL go down
NOTE : I Guess Dump Jr Doesn’t “Think” His
Fathers “OVERT Racism” Qualifies as “REAL”
Racism. Ohh I see. Just Like When You’re So
Jailed, That Will Not Be “Real Jail” Then?!?!?!
RIP: John Mahoney At 77. Such A Wonderful
Actor, Talent And Human Being. We Will Not
Forget His Amazing Work. What A Great Man
Have a day!