Ohhhhhh Boy, here we Go. Trumps bigly
“Infrastructure Plan” is Exactly what you
(Hur Derp!)
would think it is. It’s listed at $1.5 trillion
but only $200 Billion comes from Our US
congress. The Rest, comes from business
deals Turning Over all these Jobs to a big
bidding War at the state level or they just
HAND it over to the states. Even the ones
struggling With Their Own Budgets. Ohhh
There’s a REASON Company’s don’t do all
Of, ‘OUR’ Roads/Bridges/Infrastructure. If
they did they jack up prices…..taxes go up
The Reason, ‘GOVERNMENT’ Does it better
is the job is done for A Fraction of the cost
No ‘Over-Head’, Marketing, ETC. There are
things the free market does better and this
shit isn’t one of them. Never has been, and
it Bleeds Budgets DRY. It’s so Horrible, the
CBO Will Score it lower than the lowest low
(We know)
And Trumps ‘Fucked Up Tax Cuts’ Already
had that fucking honor. Don’t buy this shit
NOTE: Massive Racist Caught On Video. Oh
Boy, Guess Who. A Nasty Hateful Woman Is
Caught On Camera Using Racist Slur For No
Reason At All, Except She’s Filled With Hate
She Was Promptly Fired, From Her Producer
Job At WSVN. This Is “Sadly” Where It Is At
Today & When She Said “Finally I said it out
Loud!!” Has A Very Chilling Effect And Hurts
Have a day!