Ya were Warned, cautioned & told to stop
Trump TOLD you who he was, you ignored
it, lied to yourself and Created This insanity
You suckers, chumps, rubes, marks, dopes,
stooges, saps, pigeons, tools, fools & losers
Trump Cutting/Gutting all The Shit he SAID
He Wouldn’t. Stuff Like Food Stamps, Social
Security, Medicaid, And ‘Medicare’. Yep, You
Fucking Idiots Just Slit Your Own Throat’s in
Every Possible Way. When, Will You Fucking
morons LEARN?!?!?!? Whatever Republicans
are Telling you They Will do, They ALWAYS
get in Office doing the OPPOSITE. Just look
Nixon, Check. Reagan, Check. Oh W. Bush,
Check. Now Trump, ‘Bigly’ Check. Those of
us Who STUDY History Are NOT doomed to
repeat it. As for Ya lost suckers, enjoy it all
The Entire Rational World ‘Told’ You Exactly
Who Trump Was. You ignored it, He Fucked
(Burn on!)
you all. And will you learn a damn thing?!?!
Only time will tell, & Most of country gets it
NOTE : A New Political HERO Who Is So Very
Greatly Needed Right Now She’s An American
Hero, Period. She Simply Told The Body Who
Paid $ For Their Votes On Givin All Of The Oil
Company Rights To Drill On Private Land. SO,
They silenced Her and Removed Her By Force
It’s Fascism 101 Un- American & Violates Law
NOTE II : The FBI Director, Appointed By The
Orange Anus, Corrected Trumpy, & WH Again
Over Their Rob Porter clearance Lies In Sayin’
“The FBI is still holding up their decision”. No,
They ‘DENIED’ His Clearance Over The Abuse
Proof Back In July. Oooooooooooooooooooops
Trump, & Crew Fucked With The Wrong Folks
Have a day!