White House Consul Donald McGahn Has
placed the entire Drumpf White house on
“Felony Watch”. Trump asked him to fire
Mueller in July. And McGahn Told all this
to Mueller. Then McGahn Had to Remind
Orange anus he ordered this. Trump lied
again Claiming, He Never Did. So Donald
went Back Telling Mueller About Trump’s
denial. But that’s not all, it seems Chump
decided To Ask McGahn and Priebus bout
(We Know)
their “Interviews” With Mueller. Ooooops
And Both went Directly back to Mueller &
explained what He Did to Mueller. This is
damning. All this while Stormy Daniels is
poised to drop Orange Idiot Dick pic. Ahh
shit, I just Threw Up In My Mouth, then it
happened 7 More Times After Thinking of
it Again In Mind. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
(File Foto)
The Party of “Family Values” my Hairy ass
And trump will be their final demise; good
NOTE: Sorry, I Don’t Celebrate International
Woman’s Day. In Our House…You Don’t Just
Get A Day. Appreciation Is Year Round Right?
Have a day!