Conor Lamb wins in a HUGE upset in PA
The Voters showed up. Turn out was big
(20 Pt Swing)
& Lamb won by 627 Votes. There is not a
“Recount” Triggered, Since It Is A District
race. My best “guess” is Saccone will be a
shitty loser, They will Pay for a recount &
the gap will widen (it almost always does)
This is A MASSIVE Slap in the Face of the
Trump Crew /The Entire Republican Party
They Were Served Notice. None Of it Ever
matters………..Unless you rally all to VOTE
Speaking of “Rally”, The School Walk Out
was a massive success. They’ve ‘All’ just
captured the “attention” of the world and
it is clear Change is coming fast. Nice job
These “Kids” Being Dismissed, Are Really
changin the world; scorn em at your peril
3 “Bombings” sadly happened around the
SXSW Fest Neighborhoods. It Targeted a
group Of African Americans, & A Hispanic
Right now it appears to be a hate crime &
will be treated as such until solved. If you
see a Package in this Area, you just didn’t
order, Call The Cops /Bomb Squad. Better
to safe than sorry. This is some scary shit
RIP: Stephen Hawking’s Passed Away At A
Fine Old Age Of 76. He Didn’t Die He Lived
Forever With Truth, & We Will Never Forget
NOTE : Trumps “New” Economic Advisor Is
An Old Lying Fraud Who Thought Our Huge
Recession. Wasn’t Even Coming. So EVERY
Prediction He’s Made Has Been Way Wrong
Have a day!