If you are In California near YouTube’s HQ in

San Bruno, stay away. There’s an Active gun

(Holy fuck!)

man/shooter right now. Check on loved one’s,

find ‘Safe Places’ To Hide, Be Calm As possible

and get out only If “Clear”. This is horrible But

Totally Expected. Until We ALL Enact “Rational

Gun Control/Reform”; These Will Happen, And

it’s daily. Early “reports” claim the shooter is a

Female & is Now Deceased. Sinclair is trying a

Monopoly End Around. “Legally Speaking” This

is a Failed Endeavor. If The FCC Chairman did

“Try” This (Ajit Pai), It Would instantly now be


legally challenged as violating their Broadcast

Rules For Ownership (only allows 39% of any

ownership, NOT 72% and growing). This, Just,

should, Not, Be. Speaking of “boy, you are SO

fucked”, Mueller’s “Working” Manafort from a

“Russian $$$$$ Laundering Election Influence”

Angle. That DIRECTLY “Places” Trump, In His

cross hairs; one down and 70 to go. Tick Tock

Have a day!

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