Mudd Comes Clean…

April 12th, 2018

When it comes to damning, eviscerating, verbal

Honest Phillip Mudd Is Squeaky clean. And Boy

(The Main Man!)

did he Accurately destroy Trump saying all this:

I spent Four and a Half years by Robert Mueller. This
is a storied prosecutor, one of the most legendary FBI
directors, spent 12 Years As An FBI Director For Both
President Bush & President Obama. He’s a Decorated
military veteran bein’ compared to a crime boss when
he’s investigating a Man Who really bragged about his
genitalia durin’ a campaign who lied about the Obama
birth certificate durin the campaign and said so whose
press secretary lied within 24 hours of getting into the
White House, who lied about The Trump Towers being
wired, who has got what, 17, 18 women —I lost the #
of fingers to count on – how many women who’ve said
he did Something Inappropriate, Whose advisers have
quit Because They Lied To Federal Investigators About
everything From Financial Fraud To Their Involvement
with the Russian Ambassador. So you’ve got That Dirt
bag telling me That 1 of the Most Storied FBI directors
ever is a crime boss?!? You put him side-by-side & you
tell me what we got here, John. Facts are facts. Robert
Mueller’s An American Legend. The President Is A Dirt
bag. I don’t know What to tell you. I’m so pissed off. I
Spent ‘Four Years’ With Mueller, And He’s A Great Guy

Wow, never walked it back, never Flinched and

most important pointed out the Truth and facts

This is going to be the worst few months for all

those Criminal Fucks Around Trump and Trump

himself. They are ALL About To Feel The law hit

Have a day!

One Response to “Mudd Comes Clean…”

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