Trump gave away a MASSIVE concession
to “Rocket Man”. Stop All The US Military
(Holy Crazy!)
“Exercises” Right Near the DMZ in South
Korea. You Know, Our Fucking ALLIES in
the KOREAN War. My Father Is Rolling in
his fucking Grave right now. This Is news
to China & Russia’s ears. To get us All off
the peninsula is Clearly Their Goal & they
got it from The Orange Idiot. Retired four
-star Gen. Barry McCaffrey Stated it Best:
“I’m Very Concerned that Trump signaled that
if Kim gives Up his Nuclear Weapons, then the
United States Will “Withdraw” Our Troops from
South Korea, once you start that process it’s a
one-way street of Retreat from the Pacific Rim,
which Would ALL leave our Allies to Confront a
belligerent North Korea and an aggressive and
a massively armed (With Rockets) China alone”
Speaking Of People who can’t grasp any
thing About Serious Geo-political Issues
Dennis Rodman Weighed In again while
Wearing A Fucking MAGA Hat. Holy shit
This Entire World, Has Gone Super Ultra
Bonkers. “Off The Rails”, Was 20+ Miles
ago. Peace Is ALWAYS the goal, but how
you go about Achieving it will either also
Insure it, or Doom It to Endless war and
deaths. This Is Not A Game. It’s Only for
(Pot good, Dennis nuts)
serious thinkers who grasp all of the vast
Positions, Alliances, History, and Desired
future plans/goals. This isn’t for newbies
To “Play Around With”. Without Thinking
it not only will Destabilize the Region but
quite likely the entire Fucking world. Wtf
NOTE: A Judge ‘Decided’ To Ignore Sherman
Anti – Trust Law Allowing AT&T To Purchase
Time Warner. If This ‘Goes’ To The Supreme
Court, Which It “Might”, They Are Now What
Is Know As Conservative Loaded Today. Bad
Have a day!