Orange Anus… about to engage North Korea in a summit that may (They WISH) or may not ever Happen. If it does, he claimed “I Don’t think I have to prepare Very Much. It’s Just about Attitude. It’s About, Willingness To get things done”. Ahh yes member that big Chemistry test you did not “study” […]
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Today and tonight America votes. This is no ordinary election season. No, not by a (Better have) long shot. This fall in November things’ll get down right special. If turn out’s high you see A blue wave. If low, Business as usual letting the Sociopaths run shit into the ground. Speaking of “Holy Dumbass” Batman, […]
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Face it, there simply is NO comparison One, while Upsetting to some is simply (What are we?!?!) rude/uncouth/lazy. And The other’s an attempt 2 systematically oppress/hate/ & Discriminate To inflict social/financial Emotional/Personal ‘Pain’ On A Minority Group. Again, NO Comparison With em And the vulgarity Sam Bee used was in a Piece Calling out abuse […]
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