A “Sham” Investigation?!?!

October 4th, 2018

Honestly we do not know. Being objective is

what I always try to do here. Always call out

(If R’s Fail)

the villains on either side. These days that is

far more on the Republican side of isle cause

they Control All “THREE Branches” of Our US

government. It looks very “bad” that the FBI

did Not Interview Dr Ford Or Kavanaugh. So

that is noted. It is Also Possible That the FBI

is Going Solely off their Testimony from their

hearing, so keep an open mind. So, that said,

if Republicans do not Release It, that’s a Flag

(Almost Gone)

and a clear “No” Vote for fence Riders. If the

TeaOP redacts it, “No” vote again. If the FBI

Discovered Kavanugh lied, Which is likely, it

is all over. The ‘Partisan’ R Trolls will always

vote “Yes”. Comes down to four Fence riders

Flake, Collins, Murkowski & Sasse. We, Shall

see What Happens Tomorrow. And, if Not All

Senators Have READ The ‘Report’, they can’t

vote on what they don’t yet even know right?

(We know)

Flood Those Four Senators Offices for a “No”

vote if any of the above Happens. It’s serious

That would then “Imply” the partisan fix’s in

That, would be very Very Bad for R’s this fall

NOTE: EX-Republican SCOTUS, John Paul Stevens
Said, That Kavanaugh Is UNFIT & “Unfair Partisan”

Have a day!

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