The Market looks a ‘LOT’ like it Did Under W
Bush these last 2 days. Highly volatile 2,000
(We remember)
point Nose Dive. It’s the Worst 2 day slide in
since February. Should ‘Recover’ since it just
seems to be a “Sell Off” which lasts around 3
days, but be wary. As we deal with a missing
reporter, a Hurricane rescue/clean up, and a
country will a Loud lying Hateful Orange Idiot
in charge, don’t be distracted by Kayne West
He’s not a “genius”; he’s a seriously mentally
ill man Who Likely Needs Massive Help. Oh &
he doesn’t know the 1st Fucking Thing about
US History, facts, Economics, math or reality
This insane Oval Office Lunacy, is Something
to Be ‘Pitied’ And Worried About, Not Mocked
NOTE: Another Republican usin Voter Suppression
Water’s Wet, Sky’s Blue & That’s really all They do
Rise Up, ‘DO NOT ALLOW THIS’ Overt Felony Folks
NOTE II: Kavanaugh, Now Has Judicial Misconduct
Complaints Working Their way Through The Courts
Via SCOTUS Justice Roberts. Oooooooooooooooops
Have a day!