Alex Acosta is Stepping Down. Don’t Think for
a second that Ends his very legal culpability in
(“Let’s lie!”)
this Horrific Epstein Case. He Will be In VERY
deep legal trouble. And as OrangeAss flopped
around the whitehouse lawn like a fatfoul fish
it looked even worse then ya can imagine. So,
speaking of “Getting worse”, Britain deals with
selecting their New PM. It is a Choice Between
Dumb & Dumber. And they both looked LOST
On National Television Being Interviewed by 1
Andrew Neil. It went VERY bad. In fact, at one
point Boris Johnson doesn’t even KNOW what
Paragraph 5C (The Laws of the EU). And Hunt
(Dumb & Dumber)
claims they’ll “Leave” the EU by September &
claimed an extra 1.5% in growth would give a
UK government an extra $20 Billion. Ah No, it
WON’T. They’re Tory liars, lying their best lies
to gain power. And with all of this, they will be
meet with the SAME Parliament leaders Telling
them “Fuck No!” to A hard Brexit Deal. Oooops
NOTE: Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot, Told ICE To Chill
the Fuck out Permanently Denying them Access to our
Police Databases Ahead Of Upcoming Raids. Oooooops
Have a weekend!
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