As more testimony Against Trump/his Entire Cabinet happens daily; a vote just happened (Justice!) It’s formal. They’re usin’ open Impeachment sessions as well as a clear procedure moving forward. This is the Beginning of the End for Orange Fucker. Republicans, in The House & in the Senate Are Underwater in their Home states. Especially those […]
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As the entire Republican continues it’s demise, they find new Lows to go in smearin’ and lying (Asshole on left) slandering A Military Vet Hero. Fucking Christ Alexander Vindman, a Lieutenant colonel who served In Iraq(Purple Heart) testified today & it was just as damnin as the others. In fact, It Put Sondland In likely […]
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In what can only be called, one of the greatest historic “Unity Moments” our Country has seen (Boooooooooo!) in a while; When at The World Series, Trump his wife & other Republicans were all LOUDLY “Boooooooooed”. It was glorious; to all those great American’s Who clearly see Reality, my heart is FULL. And the Best […]
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Who Watches the Watchmen?!?! Well, I (Bad Ass!) do! It’s Very Very very good. Just the 1st episode, but if You Can See It, Thank me later. It’s well shot, acted & you see such CLEAR Writing in this With Overt Purpose NOTE: Bill Barr’s DOJ Must “Turn Over” All Mueller Evidence to Congress a […]
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What if I told you the “Giuliani Goon Squad” just tried to Claim “Executive Privilege” in their court (Suck it!) trial?!?! Forget, they’re not Even Members of the Executive Branch so they Can’t. BUT the kicker’s even better; this TIES their crimes directly to the entire Oval Office. Ha Ha Ha Ha! And, As All […]
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The entire Repubkkklian Party is now Officially dead. A large group of House Republicans ALL (So Long!) decided to violate their oath of Office, National Security & Our Constitution By “Storming” the SCIF Impeachment Hearings. These ‘Hearings’ Are “Secure”, & “Do Not Allow Cell Phones” So, Republican’s, who aren’t ON these Committees decided to BREAK […]
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While Orange Criminal Asshole, Does His “Racist Hate Distraction”, Bill Taylor Just (Not this time!) speed up Impeachment to levels that are undreamt of. He Overtly Stated the Potus withheld funding for the Ukraine (Illegal) until they Helped Trump dig Up false dirt on the Biden’s. No one took his ‘Lynching’ Distraction. Everyone, Listened To […]
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While ‘The Sitting Orange Asshole’, Publicly says he doesnt know what the Emoluments (Jail Him!) Clause even is, our constitution or laws In general…he also lied about the Kurd’s who are PISSED off & rightly so for surrenderin them to Turkey. This is Deadly serious shit people. And as the lyin Asshole melts away from […]
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Most all Republican’s, are barreling towards the cliff in their trump train. Either unaware (Bye Bye) or just trying to ignore the cliff thinking they just Jump off. Ahhhhhhhh, no. There Will be those who go Over The Cliff. However, a few more have started popping OFF it………..daily John Kasich, Francis Rooney And Also some […]
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A Hero Of Congress, Elijah Cummings, & A Great human being has passed away. A Civil Right icon (Hero!) who Truly, In Every Bipartisan way told the truth & Stood For Democracy, fairness, justice & honor EVERYTHING Trump/’Republicans’ Today Are Not And as A Nation Mourns, we see his legacy will be one others will […]
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