It’s good to be back in the saddle…said no one with Hemorrhoids…Ever. Zing! I kid, I (Oh no!) joke. But wow, lot’s happened Since I was away. Two “Other People” Testified in this Impeachment inquiry. Dr. Hill and Holmes Devastated Trumpy/Pompeo/Barr/The R’s There is No Return from this. And in all of this Damning News; it […]
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Trump, done. Pence, done. Pompeo, done Rudy, done. Mulvaney, done. And Barr…… (Tiny Cells!) likely DONE as Well With Ignoring ALL of this, & The Whistleblower Complaint. This was an epic take down of all who care vile & corrupt. “Everyone Was In The Loop” is so Damning, there’s no Recovery. There’ll Be Articles Of […]
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After yet another day of earth shaking testimony from people Directly on the (<-Hero) CALL, Trumpy/ Pence/ Pompeo/ Rudy/ Mulvaney are ALL in The “Deepest” of troubles. Vindman, Was the Strongest witness of the lot(and they were all so devastating). He “understood” the call was “demand”. Ooooooooooo that has got Some Stank On It. And […]
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Sure, it Sounds like A bad Buddy Cop film. But it’s not. Rodger Stone was just found Guilty on (Laughin now?) 7 Counts of lying to Congress. Ooooooooooops The ‘New Evidence’ kills Trump/R’s. But that is not all. A new Hero just stood up today against this lawless lunacy. She Was Buttoned Up, she was […]
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1st off, I’m very sorry for not postin’ the last two days. No Excuses just Hard 2 type when (“So, lies?!”) you are Puking/Shitting Non-stop. Meh, the flu, is the flu. But one Thing Making me feel MUCH better is watchin’ Trump/Republicans sink into the An icy abyss. Their entire “big” defense now is: “We […]
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Happy Veterans Day to Everyone! It’s a day to reflect, Honor, Thank & use Our Voices to help (Yes Indeed!) those Vets who all need our Help. So, do more than Just “Thanks”. Hire, Donate & Help them at every Turn. They gave their best for us, and they Deserve Nothing but the Best From […]
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Not Michael Bolton, ohhhhhhhhh no But, Mustache Maniac & Known War (Stash Song) Criminal John Bolton. He Said, “Ohh yeah to your subpoena, ah no thanks” Forget you can’t do that. And you can not now “Sue Them”. The law doesn’t work that Way. But they will All learn this the HARD way. While Bolton […]
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Kentucky’s Governors Office turned BLUE, & Virginia’s entire state Congress turned BLUE (Get 2 work) Philly to Delaware PA all turned BLUE. They meaning Republicans/Trump Are All Fucked The entire country has turned. Not back but instead ‘Forward’. This’s all about our entire country “movin’ past” Trump/Hate. This will be just the start of endin […]
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At least 3 states are voting today. Make sure ya VOTE! If Turnout’s high, Democrats will win and (VOTE!) if it’s Average or low, they won’t & that’s Terrible It’s in YOUR hands Citizens, what will you do?!?! And as the nation votes today, a jury gets picked to end Rodger Stones Freedom today. He’s […]
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Over the weekend, even the UFC crowd wasn’t having Mango Mussolini for one Second. Ohhh (Booooo!) it was Even Better in THIS Environment. Holy shit…it was glorious again. And as the WH’s in it’s, “Obstruction” Mode In Telling People Who were subpoenaed to Defy the Legal Document Ha ha ha! Yeah, That’ll go over Great. […]
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