Another Day, another Indefensible pile of Un-American “Bullshit” From Republicans (“Wait, stop!”) There were 3 constitutional experts and 1 “Here, Is My Unverified Incorrect Opinion” in Jonathan Turley. Oh boy you know shit is VERY ‘Bad’ For Republicans floundering when TWO FOX Legal Experts just Stated “Turley Is Simply WRONG!”. Wow. And, it got Worse. […]
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As the walls are Crumbling all around Republicans, Trump, Rudy, Pence, Barr, Mulvaney, Pompeo and (<-Criminal) more….Devin Nunes is now in DIRE legal Jeopardy They have Extensive Phone Records showing us all that both HE & Rudy were in constant contact with Lev Parnas about the Biden Dirt. They’re, All going down. Every single one […]
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Hope your Turkey Day was “Gobble-Static”! I was doing “shots” of Gravy. Was that bad? (Yum!) The White House will not participate In the Impeachment Due Process. And, the Entire world Already knew they Wouldn’t. They’ve only OBSTRUCTED the Entire Time. And so, why have they?!? Well, after all the facts’ve been openly explained from […]
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