Jim Crying, Dis-Barred & Done…

February 12th, 2020

GOP Republican Trump Boot Lickkker, Jim

Jordan’s in DEEP legal Trouble folks. And I

(“Let’s get rapey”)

mean JAIL DEEP Trouble stuff. He Oversaw

& ALLOWED The Sexual Abuse, Of The OSU

wrestlin’ team. It got so “bad’ the former C

(that captain) stated Jim Called Him up and

was “crying” & “grovelin'” beggin’ him to go

against his “Own” Brother who was a Victim

What An Immoral, Criminal Lying ASSHOLE

Perfect for Trumps team. And as they all fall

down one by one; it ‘Appears’ as if Billy Barr

is the NEXT to go. He not only broke the law

(Bye Bye Billy!)

he swore to uphold; for partisan reasons; he

has been Doing It Non-Stop & is STILL doing

it. And Now, Congress is looking into Him for

his crimes. Remember what happened to one

Alberto Gonzales?! We do, he quit. This Time

Barr goes 2 jail to die there. Save some room

NOTE: Bernie Sanders WINS! And, Don’t Let ANY Of
The Media Outlets Tell You, It’s not a Big Deal. IT IS

Have a day!

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