Archive for 2020

We are living in insane strange days indeed Our Country has Vaccines being moved and (Yup) distributed As I Type. We Have LOST 310K people in this Country. STOP & think about this. It’s horrible. We will rise but these are Dark Days. Republicans are doing NOTHIN’ to stop it but plenty 2 try 2 […]

This pandemic is kicking our asses badly BUT, Help Is on the Way. It’s never Fast enough for those dying or in dire need & we must Never Forget that Fact. And we must NEVER Forget WHO Did This All To Us. It Was, tRump, & All DC Republicans Doing NOTHING. In Fact They Have […]

While the rest of a world currently living In reality Deals with this Pandemic & an Total (Bye Bye) Economic ‘Downturn’; Republican All “Play” at Constitutional Lawyer…and shit the bed HARD. They Lost, All of them & by Putting your Name on in it, History will never Ever forget the seditious acts. SCOTUS says no […]

Mitch Fucks America & Brexshit…

December 10th, 2020

The Entire Republican Party Tries To Just ignore these Horribly dark days. And the (<-Man Baby) ‘Ring Leader’ Is An Old, Villainous Pasty white guy named Mitch McConnell. He’s a Real fat Piece of shit. In face, he’s the one Blocking EVERYTHIN’ In the Senate right Now. In Fact, Mitch is Literally just handing Democrats […]

COVID Surges & R’s Over…

December 9th, 2020

These are dark days. Citizens are gettin sick & Dying Daily. We Will turn the Corner but it (Yup!) will be After a Hard, Sad December. There Is hope. And As we Deal with a Historically vile pandemic; the Country faces an even greater Threat. Republican, Anti-Democratic Fascists All Over this “Country” Who Actively want […]

It seems these Days in dealing with COVID we Are being Beaten Badly. BUT, we can & (Yup) will defeat this Pandemic Together. With a lot Of Medical Science, Fact, The CDC best practices AND wearing A mask. It is not at all “defeated” by bullshit PR shows, stunts, or Lunatic Partisan Hate. In Fact, […]

Losing Again & Again Forever…

December 4th, 2020

Who knew we have a Country where the newly elected President Can win again & (Bye!) again & again. It’s all because a Punkass Little FAT Orange “Bitch” Wants this pain to last Forever. Sadly, it won’t. It will All ‘End’ On December 14th. Transition, Has Already Begun. It’s Over. And While This pandemic Takes […]

Our Country is on fire with a Pandemic that’s killed over 282,061 lives & countin’. This is a (No Shit!) horror Unlike any other in this Universe, and it Will be Controlled & stopped. But make no mistake, this pain will hurt badly for decades This pain’s real, we might fight, wear a mask Whatever […]

If you Decide to lie To Lawyers, Perhaps don’t make things worse by also being a (Fuck Off!) DICK. Lackey & Immoral Criminal Prick Steve Mnuchin Sec Of The US Treasury Department was Lying About Getting $ released 2 him early. Seems hes not at all Entitled To It. And D-Katie Porter all but Slapped […]

As Republican’s tear Each other Apart over Pretending Orange Anus “Won” An Election (Dead) he lost badly the rest of world’s dealin with a Pandemic that’s Just turning our Country upside Down. We have 3 possible Vaccines that can Change this Fight to our favor and actually Fight Back. Speaking Of Fighting it is getting […]

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