The vaccines are working but if

we all just ‘Pretend’ Shit Is now

(We Know)

suddenly “normal”, we will lose

all the Great Progress we Made

Now’s the time to End it but all

Still masking, Following All The

CDC ‘Guidelines & Slowing’ The

“Opening” Of States Drastically

And, Speaking of “Things” That

are about to go to shit; too late

for Senate / House Republicans

Turns Out, R-Jon Cornyn, Likes


the other racist insurrectionist

fascist better than Biden. Well

Who Knew?!?!?! Who Could of

saw that kkkoming? Forget he

is a hateful, seditious bucket o

piss. He just Wants the “other”

racist nazi back to tweet more

& hold delusion rants; fuck off

This, is Their Entire Party Now

White Lives Scatter did a Rally


this weekend but was so badly

attended, it looked like a huge

“Empty” COVID “Concert hall”

Turns out, Racist fascist pricks

Aren’t A Big “Draw”. File That,

under “Stuff We already knew”

NOTE: In What Can only Be Called Insane Hate
Against A Driver Who Did Nothing Wrong, Cops
drew guns pepper sprayed threatened the man
With death & then tried to coerce him in2 being
Silent about their Racist hate. Ummmmm, nope
(Tomorrow the ol mixed my taser & gun excuse)

Have A “Safe” Day!

13 Responses to “Senator Sedition & Racist Rally Flop…”

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