The hits keep on coming for

the Orange Anus & his prick

(Bye bye!)

‘dwindling Group’ of Hateful

fascist racist sociopaths. So

his big “I’m gonna make my

Own Twitter”, Is Gonna Fail

badly, like Everything it Has

ever “Tried”: Steaks, Booze,

Planes, Blogs, A University?!

Creamsicle Caligula’s Really

In Deep Legal Shit That will

Only Get ‘Worse’ With Every


passin Day. It just got way

worse for local racist drunk

who Wants to “tell ya some

thang ’bout minorities” Fat

Steve Bannon, he was held

in Contempt, now DOJ will

take it From Here. They’re

ALL “Goin’ down”. Criminal

acts come w/Consequences

When A political party is at

War With Democracy itself,


It’s no Longer an American

political Party anymore bye

NOTE: Another Republican Indicted, What Else
Is New?!?! Jeff Fortenberry Lied to The FBI and
Committed Campaign Finance Fraud. Ha Ha ha

Have A “Safe” Day!

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