Another Ruling from the partisan
shit show known as the Supreme
Court. This One Tries to Destroy
the separation of church & state
Jeeeeez. It will backfire on them
cause now ALL religions are just
allowed To do it As Well. See, It
Is, ALL; Or None. Take Your Pick
then Live with the ‘Choice’. They
done fucked up so when a coach
Asks the team 2 call Out to Thor
They’ll Have To. Ooooooooooops
(“Ya fucked”)
An “Unscheduled”/Surprise Jan
6th Hearing’ll happen tomorrow
Uhhhhh Ohhhhhh. They Have A
Surprise Witness, so “buckleup”
kiddies. There Are “lots” a huge
“Guesses” as to Who it could be
Holder, “Brooks”, ‘Meadows’, Pat
C, Ginni Thomas, ETC. Make No
mistake. Whomever it is, ya can
(Buckle Up!)
bet this Bombshell will be a take
Down Of “Most” R’s Who Did this
NOTE: Russia’s War Crimes, In Bombing A Civilian Mall
are just the beginning in Ukraine. Russia just defaulted
for the 1st time Since the Bolshevik revolution. Oooops
NOTE II: Democrats just got a 10 point bump for these
Mid-Terms. Don’t care, it Will increase. It Will only ever
count if we ALL vote. Leave no doubts, vote out ALL R’s
Have A Day!