Well; there’s no more discussion
about it. Tucker Carlson and Fox
(We Know)
are Traitors to This country. It is
that simple. And, an Even bigger
Payday for Dominion looks to Be
in Store Since they learned nada
from the suit They’re Gonna lose
This could be directly from Putin
Himself & there Is NO Difference
This isn’t a 1st amendment thing
(“Oooh guilty!”)
This is a Treason thing while a lil
Violent Dictator Wages war With
Ukraine/Democracies/us. Shit is
Serious Here. When McConnell’s
The Voice of Reason siding With
reality; this is very unacceptable
It is just so bad These Criminals
in GA who took the call are tryin’
to pass a bill stopping them from
being prosecuted. Oh no ya don’t
NOTE: Actor Ben Savage Is running for office in CA
And wants To serve society. To that I say, bravo lad!
Have A Day!
October 19th, 2023 - 1:17 pm
musica treino