Pillow Guy Ass, Goin’ broke &
it’s all because of his own Ass
(No shit)
Hole “Election Fraud” Games
Play stupid games, win some
Dumber Prizes. Like being so
Bankrupt ya ‘Borrow’ $10 mil
To ‘Keep’ A Maga Lie Alive, &
a ‘Dominion Lawsuit’, In Your
loss column as well. Ooooops
And the Indictment train Has
“left The Station”. All of these
indictments are Coming, Fast
And in The GA Probe a brand
it’s a Legal Death Knell. Ohhh
boy. These idiots can not help
(Bye! Flush!)
themselves. They got away so
long; now the Bill Comes Due!
NOTE: Racist, Old disgusting bucket of Shit Ben
Stein says even more racists gross Shit. Enough
Have A Day!