FOX just coughed up $787.5 million

To Dominion. They Settled, Because


They Knew They Lost. Dominion let

them off the Hook here. No apology

or On Air Retraction of all Their Lies

Disgusting. Smartmatic’s up next &

better Take em for all They Got Left

AND get them To Publicly State that


They All Knowingly LIED Non-Stop

With Maga shits all About to legally

go Down, Another idiot in Elon Got

exactly what he deserved in bein a

cheap 3rd rate $1 store Villain with

a Rocket That Exploded. Oh Karma


is a bitch. Now Go smoke Out, get a

Lil’ High. It, is 4/20 So Go Be Sunny

NOTE: Mike “Pillow Nazi” Lindell just lost a Lawsuit to the
tune of $5 million to Trump voter who Proved his Election
lies were Made-Up Bullshit. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha ha!
NOTE II: Racist Tennessee GQP’er who Kicked off the Two
African american chairs, has now resigned. He’s just been
Found Guilty of “sexually Harassing” interns. Ha ha ha ha!

Have A Day!

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