Archive for March, 2024

Judge McAfee Has Dismissed 6 Counts from the 41 meaning it now falls to 35 (Busted!) That spells doom for the ‘Criming’ ass Clowns. And, It Signals That Fani And Wade Will Likely Remain DA With this Trial. Oh, & McAfee Made It Clear that The DA’s Office can Refile the charges correcting a lack […]

There Is No Republican Party any longer & they Did this All to them (Bye!) selves; they’re all fullblown maga Traitors & It gets way worse right Now With The RNC Being A Blank Check for the Fat Felon. That just means R’s, Who have The Lowest amount of $ on hand Since ’13 is […]

There is no more grey areas any longer. At This Point, All of Maga (No shit!) directly supports a war criminal Dictator in Putin, they all Stand in Direct Opposition to Our USA Democracy we hold dear & they don’t support laws/courts/votes unless the outcome is only what (We know!) they Want. You know, “Traitors” […]

There was a president last night who told America The Truth About Where (Not F’ing Around) we are, Where we’re going and who The Entire Republican Party is today No Solutions, No Support Of Policies Voters Want & Direct enemies of our Entire Democracy. They ‘Showed’ us WHO They Were at every turn & ALL […]

The SOTU is Much Better Than it was when Fat Felon was in charge, there’s (Ah, layered!) no doubt About that. So, no collapsed Economy, millions of needless deaths, Non-stop Crimes or any Insurrections Turns out Biden/his Voters have done MORE With Less Than Any In Modern history. No thanks to all the house R’s […]

Voters Made Their Voices Heard Loud and Clear yesterday. Democrats want (It does!) Biden & the R’s/GQP want; well they mainly “want” Orange Traitor, but it’s More Mathematically Complicated In In ‘Every Way’. At Least 24-40%+ of R’s/GQP’ers Don’t ‘Want’ A Fat Felon as Their Nominee. But now he is and (Correct!) There’s No Escape […]

Well well, Another day another legal ruling ruining Orange ass (Jail Boy!) Alan Weisselberg pleads Guilty to Perjury for lyin on the stand Back to Jail for 5 months Idiot! And DC tells Tangerine Douche to Shove It, Picking Haley Over (<-Some R’s) him 63-33%. Again, he’s just a mathematical Failure by voters own metrics. […]

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