Archive for June, 2024

Ohhhhhh Boy Did Joe Biden Look Slow, Raspy Voiced, Out Of it last (WTF?!?) night in The Debate. He had a big cold so the rigors of the campaign Trail “Made” it Look Worse. He did get better as the debate wenton & by any Comparison had some Hits land Squarely Like “The Morals Of […]

Tuesday’s election results are one’s that echo thru history as a warning (Vote!) to all maga & to all too hard lefties Voters DON’T Want You. Bein’ Blue & A Progressive, YES, they want ya Being a hard right lunatic Maga ass they Don’t Want you. The Colorado GOP Was Electorally Decimated By The Good […]

While the world waits for a severely “Compromised”; Supreme Court, to (Love Traitors!) Decide IF Presidents Are Above the law (Hint: they’re Not & this lunacy Should’ve Never Been Taken Up By them); The REST of us are seein’ a Republican Party Implode Into The sham of nothingness. As an orange Fat Felon flops at […]

The highest court in NYC just told the Racist Orange Felon to go and (“No!”) pound sand. They “Rejected” His dumb Appeal to lift his Gag Order Outright Without so much As any hearin stating: “There’s no Legal Question Here”. This Is The legal ‘Equivalent’ Of: ‘GTFOOH’. Ha ha! As all the dire legal consequences […]

Judge Maga Cannon has stepped In It over & over & over. And now, she’s so (<-Corrupt!) F’ed in her latest lunacy ruling. Every legal expert(rational) has pointed out that She WILL Be Removed. And, the 11th Circuit Court will Be Devastating Her Career, Is over; so that’s all Folks Fuck Around & Find Out. […]

The SCOTUS Made A Ruling That Helped Woman, but They Did Not (IF they change) rule on the Legal Stuff In the case Meaning it Was a technicality, not A disagreement of law leaving the door wide open For Extremists on the Court to Wink at all Theocratic Fascists to Have ‘Standing’ & they Just […]

Republican Don’t actually Govern They have no interest in that and (Traitor Time!) Can’t Pass Any Meaningful Policy The Only thing they Will Do Is to bow down to a Criminal Fat felon Traitor in Orange Asshole. It’s So disgustin’, media should not even cover this lunacy. I mean, hostin the guy who tried 2 […]

In what can only be Called the Perfect amount of Schadenfreude, At his rally (“Don’t care about you”) of Fascist hate over the weekend, the audience Was smaller, stayed only for bout 15 minutes, then started leaving And, Aside From Babbling Incoherent Gibberish About: Sharks, & Electricity He “glitched” So Many times…….you’d Swear He Was […]

Today we all celebrate & honor the 80th Anniversary of D-Day (Remember!) WE have the Watch. That is all of us voters who believe in the Freedoms, & Tenets of Our US Democracy. Every Solider, Did their Duty to protect the world from Fascist murdering bully’s And now, in America we are in the same […]

In NJ Last Night, Orange Felon lost so VERY badly. In fact the (<-Felon!) lady he endorsed got her doors ‘Blown off’ by 7 Points, 45.3 To 38.4%. She’s Christine Serrano Glassner. While, The Democrat Andy Kim Coasted to His large Win, With 78.4% Of the Voters Trump is Not Only Toxic at the ballot […]

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