Archive for July, 2024

We now have an official Investigation into the crimes of Clarance Thomas & (<-Corrupt Crook) you can bet Sam Alito’s next; ooooops The Facts Are Already Clear that Snow ‘Ball’ Thomas, Already Committed The “Crimes” Of Federal Ethics Violations & ‘Tax Law Fraud’. And….’Things’ Will Get way worse as even more Crimes come to light. […]

The media in the states plays ad revenue games with the Presidential Race, Others (Change!) All over the world are treating it with the correct serious Grave concern it requires Turns Out, Nazi Fascists Are Not So Very Popular With Voters these Days. Ah, who knew?!(Makes Stupid Face). The UK Just Told Maga/Fascists/Putin To Go […]

Well well, turns out Fat Felon was always Hanging Out with a Rapist (Vile Criminals) of 14 Year Old Girls. My My, How so very “Christian” of him. We all Know He’s a Felon Traitor Fascist Racist sociopath. And so, in other terrifyin news a maga Spokesass directly States He’s A Traitor who wants a […]

We Fought A Revolutionary War to “Rid” ourselves of Kings above the (Traitors flank) Law. And, Almost On Our Nations Birthday, the Traitors on The High ‘Supreme Court’ Just Made a King again. WTF?!?! So now Presidents have “immunity” When Doing any “Official Acts”?!?! Well, I guess we Have Biden As A King For A […]

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