Archive for August, 2024

Joe Biden Did what no other modern political has done In (Selfless) my lifetime; he Put a nation Over His Own Ambition/Self In ‘Doing’ So, Kamala Harris & Tim Walz are skyrocketing up/Wanted by Voters of ALL ‘political stripes’. And, Today Harris Laid Out an economic Plan, Tailored to the “Middle Class” / “Heartland America” […]

The White House, Just “Struck” deals 2 cut the Prices of some (Always were!) popular ‘Medicare drugs’. This, will Save us Citizens $ & us as Tax Payers $6 Billion. And, All The R’s Tried to BLOCK IT. The facts are clear, R’s don’t give a Flying FUCK About All Average ‘Voters’ In America. They […]

Down, Down, down they all go Which jails they land in, we do (Ha ha ha!) not yet Know. No Matter if it’s VD Pants Attemptin’ to have a rally noone attends, or the fat Felon Glitching when Asked to Prove his Harris Fakecrowd AI claim; they’re in utter chaos & Free-Fall In The Moment, […]

Like many, I didn’t tune into the “Trumpster Fire” On Twitter Last (100% BS!) night but the fallout of his mega Meltdown, Is VERY Bad. In, Fact, there’s No actual Way to recover from it. It was late because they couldn’t Figure Out How to do a Live Stream. And, When, It DID finally start, […]

Ukraine is Winning, That is Just a military fact. And they’ve now (Slava Ukraini!) crossed INTO Russia as a Show of force. And now Putin Is very much ‘Eroding’ Before our Very eEes. They Did This to have the Leverage, but make No Mistake (No shit!) They, Do, Not, Trust Putin In A Negotiation. Putin, […]

Right Now, Fat Felon/VD Pants, & Maga are in a literal free-fall (“I’m a jagoff!”) It’s SO bad, VD Pants is chasing VP Harris Around & Stalkin’ her On the Tarmac where Her Plane was with Him saying: “That’s so gonna mine In 3 Months”. Ahhh NO, It just won’t Ya weird couch fucker. And […]

The free world just got an up Close “Look” at MN Governor (Joy!) Tim Walz. And, In Masterful Fashion; He ‘Shined’ Exactly Who He IS. A Hard Working, Midwesterner public servant Who Deeply Cares About All voters. He’s a very good man who is just going to Wipe the Floor With Vance. He is very […]

Well well, I was 100% wrong & couldn’t be Happier About That (Member me?) Mistake. VP Harris, Didn’t Pick PA, Governor Shapiro. Instead, she ‘Picked’ MN Governor Tim Walz. And if you Don’t Know a Single Thing about him, you’re Gonna LOVE Him. ‘Military Vet’, ‘Public School Teacher’, Football Coach, ‘Served’ 12 Years In The […]

Tomorrow, the world we see exactly Who Kamala Harris Picks. And With (They were!) SUCH a Deep Bench, the pick really matters not. Ya can’t go wrong with any of Them. The Likely pick, IF we are lookin at need & best fit, that’s “Gonna Be”, Josh Shapiro, from PA These are very VERY excitin’ […]

Mojo, Slow-mo & Legal Go…

August 2nd, 2024

Kamala Harris has Secured the DNC nomination. And so Joe Biden posts (“Go get em!”) strong support for her after they did our Country Proud Both bring Home the 5 Prisoners. As she’s Getting Her Voter Mojo Flowing, While Fat Felon & VD Plant are losing so much Math ground with Voters. And, as his […]

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