Archive for September, 2024

Kamala Crushes & DOJ GOP Danger…

September 12th, 2024

Harris not only ‘Decimated’ Fat Orange felon In the debate, he (Bye!) is now officially in glitch mode Permanently spewin’ lies, hate ignoring voters needs. She put him In a frame/a Felon Frame he can’t escape from. In fact it is Causing him to spend all his (Bye!) time Fighting her, not fighting with Policy/Facts […]

Decimated, “Spun” & The End…

September 11th, 2024

Last night’s debate, was the perfect dose of Schadenfreude we all really (Boom!) needed as a Functioning Society. It matters. Fat Felon, Flopped, yelled, Hated, ‘Abused’ & LIED! He did Not just lose. HE was the reason And it Killed Him, ‘Politically’. This Wasn’t (Yup!) About “zingers” or quips. It was all About Policy Substance. […]

Debate Time & Disintegrating…

September 10th, 2024

Tonight’s the night! Get ready for A Mom To Put A Toddler In (Kinky!) a ‘Permanent, Political’ “Time Out”. The ‘calmer’ she is, The Worse He’ll get. And let’s Not make Any Mistakes here, he’s Literally “Deteriorating”, Right (Bye!) Before Our Eyes. Tonight Will Accelerate that entire process Aside from name calling, hate and Lies; […]

Rising, Failing & Fading….

September 9th, 2024

Tomorrow night we will All See, a Fading, Fat, fascist felon fuck (Saw ya before!) fail hard. And, It Will All Be By His Own Hand/Big Mouth. See, Kamala’s the underdog here & she knows the best thing to do Is Let him Hang Himself. He’ll SO “Oblige”. Will he say The N Word?! He’ll […]

Republican’s are turning away from the Republican Party At light Speed (Liz won!) Liz Cheney, Her Dad, McCain’s Son, & many many more. We’re Seeing a sea change in our nations electorate As Legal Reality Hits Fat Felon & His Polling/Campaign/’Sanity’ Plummets Everything They say/do is a contrast (Madam President!) to the Sheer joy/Patriotism of […]

Between Judge Chutkan Pickin’ Back Up The DC Election Interference And (No, STOP!) Criminal Acts Cast About Him Trying to Overturn Results Of the 20 Vote & his sentencing from his Guilty verdict of 34 counts on september 18th, he’s super legally F’ed. Judge Chutkan, Is not having ANY of Fat Felons Lawyers BS trying […]

If I have to post one more School  shooting & I WILL until all R’s are (GODAMMIT!) Nowhere ‘NEAR’ Power again, It makes us all horrified. So all R’s Are Against Abortion Before The term, But Fine With The “School shooter” Abortions after. WTF?!? And Now…..After Madura’s Plane (Nope!) was Seized, they DOJ isn’t F’ing […]

While Orange Anus Tries To Stall his Sentencing coming up on the (Denied!) 18th of “This” Month, the Courts rejected it again and it was filed ‘Incorrectly’! Ha. There’s nothing He Can Do, To Stop Harris / Walz right Now & Everything he / they (Enjoy FO!) do makes it worse cause they’re Infected with Hate. […]

Happy Laborless Day to all of you Awesome People. For me (Yay!) & Many Like me, We Worked Thank A Union member for a Weekend, vacations & Today! And, just Now, “Vile Dictator” Maduro had his Plane Seized By US/DOJ For ‘Violating’ US (Boooom!) ‘Sanctions’ & Export controls Booooom! The Tides Are Not only turning […]

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