Sort of…

He actually didn’t apologize. His attorney Bob Gorsky did. He read this statement:

“I wish to publicly and sincerely apologize to the Moats family, my colleagues, and to all those who have been rightfully angered by my actions”

One problem ace. YOU DIDN’T! Your lawyer did for you. See, when you apologize, you do it in person, face-to-face. If not, how do I know you’re sincere?

When you type in racist redneck cop in google, this comes up…

boyz-in-the-hood.jpg(Wow, kkklassy!)

Let’s recap shall we? First, after viewing the tape you said, “I didn’t act inappropriately”. Second, yesterday you knew your horrible power trip from that night would be all over the news, papers, and YouTube for everyone to see…

alg_moats.jpg(Moats pleads his case)

In other words. Had there been no dash board cam footage, or had it not been available for all to see, he would have offered no written apology…

THAT’S how I know you’re a bigoted, redneck fuck. I understand he’s only been on the force 3 years, and he’ll make mistakes. This wasn’t a mistake. This was total disregard for another human being for 13 minutes. But this compounds it!

You coward. You boy. For someone who the public watched for 16 minutes humiliate and belittle another human being who need your rational “serve and protect” assistance most, you didn’t even have the nuggets to apologize in person.

For that, here’s his photo again…

officer-powell.jpg(Captain Assface)

Do not do anything violent to this man, his family, or house. Do not send him mean nasty letters, e-mails, or taunt him. That’s no better than his ignorant views on power, it’s worse. He’s on paid leave right now. A vacation. He should be fired. Since he won’t be, he gets this punishment. You know what he looks like Texas, so view him with sober eyes that let him know you know what he did, so everywhere he goes for the rest of his life, he’ll have to own this…

That’s his punishment…

“We’ll Do It Live” Boycotts Penn Films



In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, the only credible news paper that would even want to cover him these days, he said this about Sean Penn…

“He’s a great actor, and if you hire him, you’ll get a good performance. I’m just not going to give a guy who gives aid and comfort to people like (Iran president Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez and Saddam Hussein, when he was alive, my 10 bucks. That’s my right as an American.”

bill-oreilly-asshole.jpg(The “No Spin Hole”)

Did he just just say Penn gave “aid and comfort” to Iran’s leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad AND a now dead guy Saddam Hussein, when he was alive?

Last I checked Penn did a film called Milk about an openly gay politician, and let’s be honest here, we all know Mahmoud hate-a the gays…a lot

They’d get along about as well as Rosie O’Donnell and a vegan diet…

*Insert rim shot here*

Have a day!

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