Hacked Off, FOX, & Turd

April 24th, 2013

the White House twitter feed was hacked yesterday. But

what happened you ask? Oh, they said, the White House

(lie hacking)

was bombed twice, & Obama was injured. Never mind it

never happened. “Wall Street” had a “mass sell off” for 7

minutes, then came back to life. It went down 145 points

Nothing like Wall Street getting fooled by a “tweet”. Now

let’s call it “twits falling for fake tweets”. Meh, they’re all


“twunts” & basically doing legalized gambling with other

people’s hard earned money. They are “legalized thieves”

People who rob a bank get 30 years. They get a new boat

what other “profession” let’s you cheat, lie, & fuck people

over? I mean besides lawyers, pimps, and “poker players”

FOX’s “Fear Panic Stupid” Right On Cue

It now seems The Five is something of a cluster fuck of 5

hyper-morons trying to use every logically fallacy in one

(jag bag)

show. The “Liberal”, which like pro-wrestling…..changes

from time to time is Bob Beckel. He decided to offer this:

“We know that In the Muslim communities around the world,
they do not like us. They recruit people from poor areas and
then they turn them into terrorists…we’re going to have to cut
off Muslim students from coming to this country for some
period of time so that we can at least absorb what we’ve got”

Forget the 2 brothers were American citizens. They both

(you idiot)

came here as refugee’s as boys. Forget that they were not

here on “student visa’s” & that has nothing to do with the

discussion. In fact let’s just forget Bob Beckel all together

Bob Beckel=Flounder from Animal House. I quote Dean


Wormer: “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through

life, son”. Don’t tell Bob. He’s “killing it” in his own mind

Arkansas GOP’er Chris Nogy To “Shoot” Others

In a news letter to other Republican’s in Benton county,

Chris wants to “float out” the idea of “shooting” the law

(handsome fella)

makers he disagrees with. Ohhhhhhh that makes sense

to dipshits, fuckwads, taint slappers, & “ignorant turds”

he decided to be very very very clear about this all here:

“2nd Amendment means nothing unless those in power
believe you would have no problem simply walking up
and shooting them if they got too far out of line……and
stopped responding as representatives…Part of me feels
that this betrayal deserves a quick implementation of my
2nd Amendment rights to remove a threat domestic….”

there is something so pathetic about this. So weak kneed

It is like someone in a bar threatening you. See, they use

the threats, because they are not strong enough to follow

through with it. We don’t want them too, but this comes


off like a man who time has passed trying to find out how

to gain the country he lost back. No, we all move forward

If you don’t, leave us out. Stay classy Chris “Nutty” Nogy

Tomorrow: CISPA shit hits the fan. Obama best Veto it

Have a day!

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