It seems FOX news these days doesn’t care about being honest
Oh wait, that’s EVERY day really. It all has to do with “blatant
(Yes, true)
lies”. And FOX does love their big blatant ones. NSA(National
Security Adviser) Tom Donilon was ‘unfit’ for his position, and
he was ‘missing during the night of the attacks’. And they even
went “no one seemed to know where [Donilon] was” during the
September 11, 2012, attacks asking, “Where was he that night?”
I guess kids are just better at Where’s Waldo then all of FOX’s
“news” people, because he was their all night & even in fucking
photo’s THEY AIRED, all while complaining about his absence
*thinks about the FOX & Friends hosts breeding & shudders*
These people are nuts, insane, not based in reality, & ‘lie like a
rug’ with every last breath. Someone should tell them to watch
their own photo’s before they run a “story” or what I like to call
“partisan hate friction fiction”. The drum beat goes on. Think of
them as a turd yelling lies, while their fly’s down, w/a tiny penis
Canadian “Mayor McCrack” Rob Ford
A Canadian Mayor is on a video possibly smoking crack……with
Somali drug dealers. Wow, you can’t make this shit up. But it is
(“crack me up”)
funny, odd, weird, & comedy gold. Rob Ford is already denying
it. The only problem, Gwaker already ID’d him. This guy has got
some balls. Some big, balls hiding under his unfound dick & fat
gut. This story is awesome. The media up there was great. They
didn’t let up & went right after them. Shit, they should. If he is
doing any anti-drug policy, he might be in on the manipulation
Sorry Toronto. I love Canada, but this “fat pile of Chris Christie
meets W. Bush, mixed with Chris Farley” must be pretty sad to
deal with. Then again, maybe he has a movie career……in 1996
Have a day!