King Pulls Shit From Throne

August 1st, 2013

Steve King’s a dick. Oh not the author, unless you’re a reader who

likes to actually sleep at night w/o “big evil nightmares” then yes

(We have a winner)

Iowa Republican representative is a xenophobic bigoted asshole

but you say, “John, that’s a pretty strong statement, isn’t it?”. I’d

simply say go listen to the mans own words. Here’s what he said:

“for every valedictorian, you have 100, 130lb drug smugglers with
calves the size of cantaloupe…..that comes from being down there
We have people that are drug mules that are hauling drugs across
the boarder, and you can tell by their physical characteristics what
they have being doing for months………going through the dessert”

Clearly Steve King has “proof” for these assumptions? Right????

Oh fuck no! Racists always use a simple rectal extraction method

for any hateful ‘facts’ they claim to hold. Racism doesn’t hold any

(I’m a douche!)

facts, reality, or truth. It only holds 1 thing: HATE……& they will

try bending the world to their ideas of it….no matter what is true

To idiot assholes like King, the world must do two things: 1, you

stick a microphone under his pie-hole letting him hang himself;

and 2, let the good people of the world clearly HEAR what he is

saying, means, & believes. Then we get to “vote” on Steve’s hate

(good advice)

My guess is Steve will be found ‘lacking’ at the polls. He is like a

bigoted guy telling racist jokes at work. Pretty soon, after all the

wide eyes, & dropped jaws; it’s only HIM standing there…alone

Said it before, & I will say it again: the Tea Party killed the GOP

At this rate, they’ll only ever be elected to local office for racists

Have a day!

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