Here is a nice list I made of “Why Grand Theft Auto 5 Is Better
(“The Pope-a is a bad-ass”)
Than Your Kid”. So sit back, grab a cocktail, & buckle up bitch:
1) The violence in the game isn’t real, but your kid totally is
2) You can fly a fucking airplane, I’ll bet your silly kid can’t
3) In this game you play 3 characters, in real life, you can’t
4) There isn’t a “new level” where you help with homework
5) You can always turn it off when tired, you can’t with a kid
Yes, all in all video games are way better than kids. But let us
all remember this: a game can’t hug your silly ass back right?
Tomorrow: Suppressed Votes, & the Racist Rodeo Clown?!?!
Have a day!