this is a very sad shooting at a Naval base. Our hearts are darkened

today, and forever with the loss of any life, but Naval people?! This


act was committed by a former Navy reservist named Aaron Alexis

He appears to be a lone gunman at the time of this post. There are

reports of “two others” seen from video footage, but those seem to

be unfounded as of now. The result is that 12 people are dead, and

they can never go home to their loved one’s. For that, we all grieve

More will come out in the next 24 hours like “motive”, or what was

the exact reason. Sometimes it is just that someone is “mentally ill”

(the shooter is dead)

Other times it can be political reasons. We shall see, but the 1 thing

we know for sure is that he used an AR-15 to commit this cowardly

act, and so long as anyone, even sick people, have access to em, shit

like this will continue forever. Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, stuff

Putin’ On The Tits

Vlad’s a big girl now. He’s in charge of this Syrian negotiation thing

now, & wanted the entire world to know it. Fair enough, he made it

(“I likea the peace now”)

clear in his “pre-TD celebration” op-ed piece. The funny part? Now

he’s on the hook for it all. HE must deliver it all correctly to us, and

he knows it. I say, great. If he “screws it up”, we have all our options

on the table still, & have done nothing to weaken our positions. But

what does FOX noise & the lathering right chortle? “Odummer was

a pussy!”, or “You can’t trust anyone but us bombing them”, or “It’s

gonna fail, enough though even when we get exactly what we want

(overcompensate much?!?)

we will always scream the same fucking thing”. Obama does X, so

they scream, Obama does Y instead, they scream. He does R, they

scream. ANYTHING the fucking dude does, they scream. They are

like the “Little Boy Who Cried Wolf” using an air raid siren “24-7”

Enough, you will never eat those Green Eggs & Ham. The irony?!

At the end he fucking ‘loved them’, just hated the color. Obama is

more of a ‘right leaning centrist’ that progressives often clash with

If only the version of Obama they scream against actually existed

Note: Pick up Bob & Davids new book called “Hollywood Said No”
Note II: This Friday, I have another great recommendation for you

Sorry, it’s time to heist shit, kill hookers, & blow stuff up in GTA 5

Have a day!

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