The Teaturds gave to us…TWO meaningless sound bytes, and a meeting

as useless as peeeeeeeeeeeeee. Now Obama is going to Meet The Fockers

(“I elected these idiots”)

He will meet with them at 5:30pm Boehner, Pelosi, Reid and McConnell

This meeting will go something like this: “What the hell are you doing?!”

John: “I can’t control the nuts. End Obamacare or we burn it all down!”

Obama: “You do realize that if you destroy all government, you are now

out of a job don’t you? You WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT”. The two

shake their head like a dog having a hair dryer blown in their face, while

the other will scream louder, “Shut up darkie, & do exactly as I said…..or

(derp, shut down, derp)

else we gonna end it all”. *Obama stands up, shakes his head and leaves*

*gun fire, loud yelling, & spitting tobacco* “Yeeeeeeeehaw, we did it, we

won against Obama!”. Then John will say, “Hey, he didn’t agree to what

we wanted, so how did we win?”. Mitch will say, “Well, we got that there

ni**er to show up tryin to reason with us AGAIN, & told him to fuck off”

Ahhhhhh yes, refreshing logic from brilliant scholars in life. They lose in

this badly. Not only politically, publicly, & socially, but most importantly

(had a good run)

as all being visibly unfit to do their fucking jobs. Obama does take some

blame in all this. Read, “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie”, and change it to

“If You Give Into Demands From A Nujob”. Obama was very good to all

of the TeaOP/Republican’s in term 1. He gave them almost….everything

Now they’re screaming it again. He won’t; & this has officially ended the

entire Republican party. Thought we’d have to wait unto 2014, but this

has officially done it. They chased away everyone in America except for

(just flip it)

racists, morons, & a stupid 6% of nutty Teaturds screaming insane shit

When your ‘base’ is a nude guy in a tin foil hate with shit covered hands

“Rock Bottom” may as well be outer space itself. Irony: you think Wall

Street, who owns ALL of these Republican’s will put up with this shit?!

Hell no, they will scream for them to jump, & they’ll ask, “How high?!”

The “Fail Of Obamacare Exchanges” Meme

Now FOX will spend the next 5 months doing what it does best. Lie, lie,

lie, straw man, slippery slope, lie, make shit up, lie, lie, lie, partisan lie, &

(“We lie for $”)

then lie some more. It literally JUST opened up for enrollment yesterday

and there was a server problem due to the large demand. In any business

that’s a great problem to have. Unless, you hate the business, then it’s all

“Well fuck them, they suck”. Downloading my new Apple iOS7 was near

impossible because all the severs were getting hit at the same time. I wait

try it again later, then boom, it works just fine. That’s the difference, you

accept the reality of the situation, understand it, then move on. For FOX

or Republican’s hell bent on ending something that is LAW, it will never

matter. They will spend their fucking lives spewing hate, lies, or anything

against it no matter if true or not valid. They…don’t…fucking…care. They

(“wait, WHAT?!?!”)

will NEVER care. They have no soul, no morals, no vision, no heart, & no

experiences past their own fucking nose. See, when it’s THEM, everyone

must drop what they’re doing to help. When it is someone else, well, fuck

em. Based on the interest, this will most likely work. They will be kinks in

it for sure, as there are with EVERYTHING. But adjusting to those kinks

is so very vital. We shall see what it will be, but the demand is sooo there

Have a day!

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