When someone who’s a soulless evil vile partisan asshole is building their

own coffin & shouting, “Look, I’m making a Republican Space Ship”; you

(The turds have landed)

don’t stop them. In fact, you don’t do a thing. If anything, you walk on by

& complement them on the fine handy work. You can’t reason with crazy

It doesn’t care. It…doesn’t…fucking care…ever. It will ‘rationalize’, justify,

lie, project, lie again, blame others, then lie some more, & then make wild

untrue claims. It does not have a mirror, it doesn’t have a conscience, and

it doesn’t have a soul. It’s a mental cancer, & you can’t reason with it…you

can only kill it, remove it, & make sure it ‘never’ comes back. Or it will just

consume the entire body politic. The government shut down is now in day


7. And who is to blame for this? It’s the house republican’s & the Tea Party

monster they helped create. After never allowing a clean CR bill to the floor

all the Republican’s squeal, “You won’t negotiate!!!”. Um, last I checked, if

a fucking insane whacko now demands “X” or else they blow up the whole

government, that isn’t a negotiation. It’s “Extortion For Idiots”. Now some

mega dick bags in the TeaOP have the BALLS to blame ‘Democrats’ for the

shut down? Really? Are you fucking seriously shitting me now?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Soooooo FOX news will go into “Ultra Insane Reality Denying Liars” mode

Or “everyday”; never discuss facts, ignore all policy reality, & lie like ‘a rug’

Mitch “Gutless Turtle” McConnell claims the Democrats won’t negotiate?!

(& ya couldn’t do it)

Oh, so words don’t really mean anything to all these lying partisan a-holes

Let me try Mitch/FOX/Tea Party liars: “Hey Mitch; in order 4 you to keep
your home; I get to fuck your 3 daughters……….OR I will burn it all down!
Why won’t you negotiate?! You’re being so irrational & started this mess!”

Only morons, racists, or Libertarian’s who want no government agree with

that insane TeaOP tactic. According to CBS polls 72% hate this shut down

with 44% blaming the TeaOP Republican’s & climbing as people realize all

the facts of the House firmly holding the Shut Down in place. It’s not a real

negotiation by stating “Do X, or I kill Y”. It’s clinically insane & it ends ’em

But you want to talk about some “Sociopath Balls”? Let’s take a Republican

who decided to degrade a park ranger, for following the shut down that he

and the loud anus sauce morons voting with him created! Texas Republican

(“I’m a gutless asshole”)

Randy Neugebauer, has the mongo fucking balls to say this: “Park Services

should be ashamed of themselves”. The Ranger: “I’m not ashamed”. So then

he says, “Well you should be”. At this point another person chimes in saying,

“This women is doing her job just like me, I’m a 30 year federal veteran; I’m

outta work!”. Then ASSHOLE has the stones to say, “Well the reason you are

is Mr. Reid(Senate leader), has shut down the”. The man interrupts him, “No

it’s because, the government won’t do it’s job & pass a budget!”. Where does

Mr. Balls go? He knows it’s him/the House TeaOP who shut it all down, so he

tuck his tail, & ran. Well, when you have nothing to run on, can’t govern, and

(he’s fired)

won’t do anything while in government; it’s easy to vote your sorry ass OUT!

Take Indiana Republican Marlin Stutzman; “We’re not gonna be disrespected
We have to……get something out of this, and I don’t even know what that is!”

Holy shit!!! They’re loud Sociopathic children burning the entire house down

and some idiots can’t even tell us fucking WHY. You hate Obama, we get that

can ya please leave the Federal Government out of it please. We were using it

Have a day!

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