This shocks ‘nobody’ who paid the slightest attention to the “clown car”
Day 9 now brings us “adults” reaching deep into the backs side of their
(Tea Party IS Idiocracy)
pants, pulling out a clump of their feces, & proudly yelling, “It’s gold!!!”
Almost every Republican I have seen on TV, save for 2, or 3, are literally
all clinically insane, and from every comment don’t grasp the first thing
about economics, monetary policy, finance, debts, consumer confidence,
bills, credit, government, how our laws are repealed, or literally anything
they open up their gibberish yapper about. The credit, & economic sanity
of our Country isn’t a fucking game, or some experiment a dumb-ass dolt
goofs around with. Especially, when is TOTALLY CLEAR, they haven’t “a
clue” about what happens when we do actually default. It’s like our media
(“I’m a lying idiot”)
has let crazy people, verbally take a dump on their shows, and then let em
get away with it. It’d be like a guy saying, “Now wait a sec, gravity doesn’t
“really” exist like all these other silly scientists & people are saying”. WTF?
This is chaos insanity. Facts aren’t magically debatable now 4 idiots. Wait,
maybe their totally RIGHT!?! That’s it! In order to truly believe all the BS
they’re saying you must reject economics, debt, finance, laws, & all reality
*John blinks 5 times really fast…opening his eyes to a brand new world*
Awwwwwwww, awesome! Oh look, that’s not a bum anymore; it’s a wi-fi
“hot spot”. Oh, and check it out……..that airplane is not flying by intricate
turbine engines; there’s a tiny group of 40 cherubs holding it all up. Neat!
(Tea Party Land!)
Boy, that’s not oxygen we’re breathing. It’s “magic God Gas for our lungs”
These people have something in common with crack smokers. They both
don’t accept reality, & need to continually live in a made up ‘fantasy land’
This isn’t a hostage situation anymore. They already “shot” us in the face
by shutting the government down. Now they’re on to hostage #2, which is
the “debt of our entire country”. Shit, I thought at least rational sanity will
win. BUT if you have none to start with, then pretty much everything is on
the table. This has become retarded extortion, with US as the one’s to hurt
You can’t negotiate with crazy. It…does…not…fucking…care….and it never
will. It’s like a drunk as hell guy speeding his motocross bike into a 50 foot
(shit they’re dumb)
electrified fence with a suit of amour yelling, “Heeee haw, I’m totally doing
it u stupid fuckers!!”; and the damage it causes our country with the entire
world market is incalculable. This is like ‘nothing’, I’ve ever seen in my life
The Republican’s don’t want a “conversation”, they gave us an “ultimatum”
And should these insane morons follow through. It’s treason, and sedition
Rightly So, American’s Correctly Blame The Insane Morons
It seems the blame of this shutdown is now squarely where it should be. On
the shoulders of loud proud morons in the Republican party. Shit, they even
(Oh, we know)
openly admitted it like I said here. Well they’re not shy about it, and we can
put the BS, “Hey, it’s Odummers fault” insane lies to bed. They admitted it!
Already explained this all yesterday, go to “Freedom Works”, they have the
shut down blueprint on their fucking website still. Expect it to be scrubbed
Wait, no. That would require rigor, or the gift of shame. They have NONE,
and show no signs of change ever. Again, you can’t reason with crazy. You
can only vote it the fuck out, never to return again. If you, American people
keep electing these Tea Party morons, THIS…is what you will get. And you
all deserve it, if you don’t do everything you can, to try & always stop them
Have a day!