It seems the TeaOP wants to offer a Debt Ceiling extension of 6 weeks
Since they originally said, “I get to kill your kid, OR I burn down your
(the TeaOP)
house, then take all your money”. So they took, “taking all your money”
off the table, FOR ONLY 6 WEEKS. And while our house is still on FIRE!
My how generous. They already ‘shot’ a hostage in the leg and face, so
now they offered to “wait 6 weeks”, while the victim is bleeding out, to
see if they’ll shoot the ‘other 20’ in the fucking head. Is this “Sociopath
Negotiations For Idiots”?!? They think our country’s one big-ass game
They are not Patriots, or “Freedom fighters”. They are ALL VILLAINS!
No, these asses are all treasonous terrorists. Hell, even terrorists can’t
(“Let’s fuck the USA!”)
cause this much damage. They are playing games with killing off our
country past repair. Shit balls, they already did enough damage in the
Bush years tanking our economy, starting 2 unpaid for war, & ruining
our standing in the entire world. Now, they just want to finish the job
I can truly say this. If you vote for these Republican’s, then ya deserve
everything you get. If you treat politics like a sports team, or don’t get
into their specific policy seeing how it effects American’s, you’re an ass!
The strategy appears to be, “we have none” which is not good when ya
take an entire nation hostage. Now reality is setting in, & the rats are
jumping ship. Big blame here falls on ALL the moderate Republican’s
(“I’m a hero to morons”)
Where were they while the loud screaming morons crafted this shit?!
Sitting on their own dick nervously looking around to see if they were
going to be primaried by some moron. It seems we have no statesmen
Only loud, old, lying, partisan turds. They will ALL be flushed down the
toilet in 2014. They simply speed up the political reality of their ‘death’
But the damage these pricks caused is trying for the maximum amount
After all, if you can’t govern, & blow it all up. Just make the most suffer
There is no “winning” in this insanity. Only containing ALL this damage
Note: Bears game tonight, and I predict a win. They’re playing 0-5?!?!
Have a day!