Happy *insert commercial holiday here*. Well, today is a
Happy Valentines day. Which beats Happy Facepunching
(Ahem, this is fact)
day. That day sucks, I can tell you that much. Well, love is
not in the air politically speaking. Cheating turds get none
Ex-democratic Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin is finally
convicted of bribery & fraud. He “funneled money”, well it
was actually in “granite” to his son’s company. Granite he
is a fucking moron. It is ‘legal’ to take lobbyist cash, & this
idiot does it in traceable stone. It is ‘one way’ to get stoned
GOOD. Down with the bad trash. He deserves all the scorn
Yet, it seems on the other side of the isle, Turd Cruz tried a
“Fart-a-buster” yet again. But not understanding they only
need a hand full of votes to bring it up for a vote. IDIOT!!!
Then other Republican’s will vote no. He doesn’t even get
how governance fucking works. But now he decided to let
his bigot train run wild. He added an “Anti-Gay Marriage”
amendment to a bill. He believes in “states rights”. Oh yes
the same EXACT argument FOR slavery. Nope, was wrong
(Add Mitch)
then, it’s wrong now…as they continue the long toilet slide
The TeaOP does “more” to elect Dems people then they do
RIP-Sid Caesar, all the sketch world tips our hat to you sir
Monday: Idaho, & Kansas Un-Civil Right Act Against gays
Have a weekend!