Ah Fox, thank you for comedy gold. It flows like a majestic back

wards river of batshitcrazy dumb. And we the world all thank ya

(“Gimme a B, & S”)

for this effort to outdo your last collection of super whopper lies

Mr. Burgandy Jr, AKA “Heather Childers”, incorrectly called the

NCAA champions, the NAACP champions. Classic flub. Oh, it is

not the flub. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s just so fitting from a

boy who cries wolf everyday, which ‘massive lies’ that outdo the

lies from yesterday. The big irony, SNL did a sketch of FOX and

Friends this past weekend entering the exact same joke. FOX is

now officially become the satire we create. Perhaps Republicans

will someday understand the joke, but in order to do that they’d

(comedy gold)

have to understand their entire existence is parody at this point

If they were self aware, they wouldn’t say the things they ALL do

Meh, she corrected it right away, & it’s no big deal at all. It’s just

so perfectly funny from the land of make believe when accidents

happen. You can’t always tell which was actually intended & not

To me, this was clearly not, but then again freudian slips are fun

Speaking Of Parody; Louie Gohmert

It seems now the Republican’s are all counting on utter lunatics

to run their ‘carnival side show games’. Old Louie was,”Grilling”

(“What day is it?!?”)

Attorney General Eric Holder over some, “Nonsensically insane

babbling horseshit”. Now, the AG of the United States is sitting

in front of you Louie, & you claim he’s “evil”, & has done wrong

Surely Louie will point out these facts, & ask detailed questions

Then you don’t remotely know “Sucky Louie” & you’d be wrong:

“If it’s a private business, and the owners of the private business
believe marriage is between a man & a woman are they violating
that specific same-sex couple’s civil rights, in your opinion?!?!?”

Ah yes, the important issues of the day. You drag the AG to you

so you can make a case for bigoted discrimination. What a loud


fucking moronic piece of shit. Holder, didn’t take the bait, & he

deferred to the supreme court. The biggest gift ever given to the

morons like this dangerously ignorant turd was a camera and a

total lack a shame. When adults get in over their head mentally

speaking, you stop. You collect your thoughts, & state, “I’m not

as well versed in this area as I should be. Perhaps, I’ll send you

the questions later”. But no that’s not Louie’s way; he & Holder

had it out before, so this is personal for Louie, & very retarded:

“I cannot have a witness challenge my character!!!!!!!! The
attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus!”

(Wait, what?!?!)

It seems, Louie was trying to use big words, & sited a vegetable

Which lead to this epic reply from Holder in finally ending this all:

“Good luck with your asparagus”

Good luck indeed. *cough* Hey morons of TX, you elected him

RIP to Ultimate Warrior from WWE James Hellwig. Peace out sir

Tomorrow: Obama War On Minimum Wage, Rhamm Bribe

Have a day!

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