Crazy Con & RIP Robin…

August 12th, 2014

Sarah Palin is trying something new. Welcome to the interwebs

She is trying an on-line subscription service. Holy shit!!!! It will

(We know!)

fail at the speed of her mouth fart sounds. Palin charges suckers

$10 a month to listen to her occasional “lunatic brain droppings”

Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren recently gave a, “Netroots

Nation” speech, where she laid out 11 commandments for all the

progressives. She brought up fast food workers, & a livable wage

Then it came time for Palin’s unscripted, utterly insane rebuttal:

“We believe — wait, I thought fast food joints — don’t you guys think
that they’re like of the devil or something? Heeeeeeeeey Liberals, you
want to send those evilemployees who would dare work at a fast food
joint that you just don’t believe in-I don’t know I thought you wanted
to send them to purgatory or something, so they all go vegan & wages
and picket lines I don’t know they’re not often discussed in purgatory
are they. I don’t know why are ya even worried about fast food wages?
Well, we believe — an America where minimum wage jobs, they’re not
lifetime gigs they’re stepping stones to sustainable wages…work ethic.”

What the ever loving fuck?!? She claims progressives are against

fast food workers when they wanna give them ‘real living wages’?

Where as, all Republican morons like her so want to “haze” them

until they can find a “good job”? Have ya ever seen a drunk robot


short circuit?!?! This is what it looks like. Loud, jabbering, & silly

They did it as a media ploy to get more rubes/suckers to the site

They intentionally take teleprompter training wheels off, in order

to get “buzz”. In that case it worked but for all the wrong reasons

RIP Robin Williams

This is so VERY sad, sad beyond words. I didn’t work with Robin

ever. But with Chris Ritter, I developed the revamped Lakeshore

(Thank you)

Theater, before it became the ‘Laugh Factory’ now. It was to be a

rock ass fun joint for comics who could just show up, surprise us

Like a jam session or a hang out. For a while it truly was. And I’ll

never forget he meet my friend Hannible there. Though we never

met, I felt deeply connected though a pure love of comedy. To his

family know this, I’m so deeply sorry for your loss; it feels like too

much to bear sometimes. But I’m grateful for your gain. Your gain

of his life, his time, his love, and all the moments, only you shared

(A master)

After Sonja & I lost her father Gordan, and her brother Kurt in six

months later we began rememberin all the moments we all shared

Gone………..yes. But forgotten, no. Our hearts can hold infinity gigs

Have a day!

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