Right on que of knowing water is wet, the sun is hot

and birds chirp; Hillary Clinton announced she’s IN

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ge(“Just the tip”)

We all already knew this, which isn’t a big deal. But,

what is, is who she gets her donor $ from. Goldman

Sachs, and other Wall Street/”K Street whores” who

all expect something in return for that big cash. Like

lenient laws/lax laws against financial companies or

Hedge Fund managers, “allowing them” to abuse the

system. Hillary isn’t a progressive, she’s “Old School”

and just a “Kleptocrat” who’d “start a war with Iran”

Yes, she is probably better than your average TeaOP

clown car idiot, but not by ‘Enough’ just yet. She’s an

Hillary With Finger to chin(“Things that make you go hum”)

establishment candidate who best tackleft pretty fast

If Not, your Warren’s, Sherrod Brown’s, & Sanders’ll

have a Foothold Here Very Soon. AND, many others

Buckle up, as the Republican crazy clown car revs up

the Democratic party has some soul searching as well

Another Cop Shoots/Kills Unarmed Man

Well, what used to be weekly, is now becoming daily

In Tulsa Oklahoma a reserve sheriff’s deputy 73 year

Robert Bates(The happy killer!)

-old reserve deputy Robert Bates thought he had his

Taser; turns out it was his Gun. And he shot & killed:

“I need you to roll on your stomach. Stop fighting
(Loud gun shot heard) Oh, I shot him. I’m sorry”

Eric Harris, 44, whom they Accused of trying to sell

an illegal Gun to an Undercover Officer, was treated

there on street. Ohhhh, it’s not remotely done there:

Harris: “He shot me, oh my god”
Other Cop: “You fucking ran, shut the fuck up”

Harris: (Complaining he can not breath)
Other Cop: “Fuck your breath!”

Harris died later in a Tulsa hospital. Tulsa Police Sgt

Jim Clark investigated the shooting at the request of

Guy Running from cops
Killings By Police Oklahoma(Run, caught, SHOT?)

the sheriff’s office, concluded, Bates had been under

the influence of a phenomenon known as “slips and

capture”. Ahh yes, now they’re just making up terms

to justify murdering people in the street where they

try to explain why a 73 year old Insurance Company

Executive is a “Deputy” who mixes up guns, & tasers

Unchecked Powers/Authority ALL continue to abuse

unless their are serious consequences & some justice

NOTE: Crooked NYDP Cop Steals Over 2 Grand In
A Cigarette Raid. Det. Ian Cyrus, Is A Piece Of Shit
NOTE II: Rand Paul Is All About “Freedom” Unless
It’s On His Own YouTube Page, Then Disable Posts
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Non-Libertarian Loser

Have a day!

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