It seems we have an ‘Iran deal’, but the TeaOP

hates it. They hate ‘peace’. They do not want it

Oh no not this shit again(Yes, again)

Anything & I mean ANYTHING to punch holes

in peace talks with Iran. And pussy Democrats

are playing right along. Read that again. It’s a

group of ‘Super Puss Douchey Democrats’ that

that give in to the lunatics on the far right wing

hate fuckos. Democrats agreed to Republicans

“Reviewing” the final Conditions for this peace

accord. They will do anything to derail this, it’s

been their entire agenda from the fucking start

james-carville-lawyer-quote-i-think-the-democratic-party-has-the(Very true)

All you loud lunatics are why we can’t have nice

stuff. We actually share extreme dislike of ISIS

with Iran, & could have peace. Nope, as long as

Republicans hold any power, it is NOT going to

ever happen, and Democrats are helping THEM

The Lie Machine “Whites are targeted”

What a loud, petulant, Tiny Child. It’s like a kid

smearing feces on the wall while yellin’ “Ta-da!”

O'Really The Liar(Ooooops)

He thinks, “If you’re a Christian or a white man

in the USA it’s open season on you”. Oh fuck off

This is just Papa Bear using overt “projection” to

avoid systemic racism/intolerance from the right

See if you’re an ‘intolerant bigot prick’ looking to

discriminate, lie saying others are doing it to you

It is just a Bully who’s been Shoving kids all over

the playground pretendin’ he didn’t get seriously

reprimanded, for his hateful actions. Look fucko,

O'Really finger pointing(“Facts are stupid”)

don’t want none, don’t start none you vile LOUD

sack of “decaying donkey shit”. Go play in traffic

It’s not “whites or Christians”. It’s bigots n racists

And, if that Massive Majority IS that group, then

it says more about the hateful, evil, IN that group

Have a day!

One Response to “Iran So Far Away & Lying Machine…”

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