Run Fat Boy Run…

August 4th, 2009

Loud mouthed, conservative schlock jock Rush Limbaugh dropped 90 pounds…

fat-rush.jpg(I drink your milkshake! Not anymore)

Supposedly by “passing” pandering pundit Michelle Malkin…

runfatboyrun.jpg(If that’s fat, I’m fucked)

You know he’ll gain it back because eating Malkin is like Chinese food…

You’re hungry 20 minutes later.

But the real question is how’d he do it? Simple, with basic voodoo and being a marketing whore for $. He went to Quick Weight Loss Centers, a Florida-based company that combines a low-calorie diet, office visits and supplements…

rush-with-pills.jpg(Don’t buy this silly shit)

Gee, this is really hard to see what might be coming next. I can’t believe he might have them become a regular show sponsor AND be their spokesperson. Golly, how totally out of left field. Predictable Rush-a-roni. It’ll happen, you can book it…

hippie-rush.jpg(“Hippie Rush” is when he hits 65)

He’s like a boxer telegraphing a left hook…three months before the fight…

Some people say you loose valuable brain mass when you have rapid weight loss.

He should hang on to the few cells he has left like a gambler to his last poker chips


Skinny, fat, medium build…none of it matters if your words are a pile of mush…

Screech And Belding Bumped

Can we be saved from Saved By The Bell?

people-cover.jpg(Lisa’s a “size queen” in the 89 photo)

Yes, don’t buy People magazine with them on the cover. Besides, since it’s missing Screech and principal Belding, no “collectors item” status, which is all that matters…

Clearly Saved By The Bell was to TV what the Beatles were to music…clearly…

slater.jpg(Stool sample)

Being upset you’re not on the cover is kind of like being mad you didn’t get invited to the New Kids On The Block reunion. I’d rather clean dog shit off my shoe then attend…and I don’t own a dog. It’s alright, cause we’re saved by the bell.

Have a day!

One Response to “Run Fat Boy Run…”

  1. google

    búp bê th?t

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