Iowa has a lot goin’ on these days, at 1st
they were the girl who got asked to prom
(Yes, we know)
but left at home. Now the Jock is back &
Looking For That 2nd Date just Politically
speaking. Voters will go to the Polls, in a
big attempt to select the next candidates
For Republican’s, it is that “Trump Rump
Train”, that Drives Them Off the Political
landscape in America. For Democrats its
a 3 horse race between Bernie, Hillary &
O’Mally with O’Mally trailin’ so very badly
(3 Words: I quit!)
The idea with the “Town Hall” yesterday,
was to change up the setting, & all it Did
was give a new style for Corporate Media
Bernie won it, with Clinton & O’Mally at it
PP Cleared, Go Suck It!
For all the hate, fear, lies, ignorance and
more from the Hard Religious lying right,
(2 Indicted!)
THEY Are Now indicted! Ooooooooooops
Yes you read that correctly. They ALL so
Lied Badly With The Videos Using “False”
Editing. Well, PP is Now Exonerated, yet
AGAIN. Cleared of any wrong doing, and
the worst part think of all those tax $’ers
that could’ve Funded people already here
But they don’t care about that. It is all so
(<-Ill Informed Morons)
about the Lies for them. Always has been
And hopefully all as American citizens, WE
get justice from these lying hate monsters
NOTE: Abe Vogida Passes Way RIP Fish
Most All Of Us Know Him As Tesso From
The Godfather Series. At 94, A Good Life
Have a day!