Make sure to tune in, since the TeaOP
only has two more “Dip Shit Festivals”
(We know)
left on the schedule, for this “primary”
season. Tonight’s in Miami & the final
one, is on the 21st & in Salt Lake City
Utah. There will be NO policy, no laws,
no specific economic statistics/metrics
or anything of valid specific substance
It’s a dumbass food fight by children &
it Will Be No Different. Look for, “Make
(No shit!)
America great again” “This guy is an X”
and, “This guys lies!”. They will discuss
NOTHING About “Policy”, Because They
all HAVE NONE to offer Americans today
Bernie Vs Hillary Debate
Hillary had a BAD debate, Bernie didn’t
He brought the policy substance & facts
It was about substance & honestly poor
Hillary was on the defensive most of the
night. They asked her very framed hard
questions. Hillary has a lot of states she
will “Most Likely” Win, coming up March
15th. If, Sanders cuts into her “Firewall”
at all, in the South, she is in DEEP SHIT!
You read it here 1st cause after the 15th
its ALL Bernie States ‘Piling’ on the Wins
NOTE: Supreme Court ‘Pick’ Seems To
Be Coming Soon, By Obama, Good List
NOTE II: Nancy Reagan “Passed” Away
Very Sad She Was A Good First Woman
NOTE II: And Now The Racist Trumpy’s
Take Up “Violence”. This Is PURE EVIL!
Have a day!