Bad night for Bernie Sanders a
good one for Hillary and Trump
(MY State!)
Let that sink in like hairdye into
Your Scalp. Bernie is in ‘trouble’
which ‘means’ he must have the
rest of the Primaries, as massive
“Blow outs” in order to close the
gap. It is VERY possible, but not
probable. The idea here is to GO
out, still Fight for all Progressive
ideas, and VOTE! it will all come
out in the wash; its possible that
neither will have the total that is
needed by the convention. These
next 19 Contests ALL Count Now
So, what will YOU DO?!?!?! Vote!
The Perv Hypocrite…
Jeremy Durham Tennessee State
Rep brought up a ‘Horribly gross’
(“I’m creepy!”)
Anti-Transgender Bathroom Bill
Jeremy thinks Republican’s want
and must do Bathroom Bills, and
only to keep them safe. Because,
people could “Claim” another sex
just to ‘Check out others privates’
Well, Right on Que, Jeremy PERV
was “busted” for bein a bathroom
Pervert Himself! BOOM!!! And we
(<-Super Perv!)
have our moron boy really always
thinking in terms, of how much a
“degenerate” they are themselves
Ahhhhhh projection. Powerful shit
So, he’s today’s “Lunar Hypocrite”
NOTE: Republicans Are “Leaving”
The Ship. McCain Is The ‘First’ Of
Many Not Attending That ‘TEAOP’
Convention This Year. Ooooooops
So It’s The Beginning Of The End
Have a day!