Suspect Taken into Custody in
Linden, New Jersey about four
(<-Pure Evil)
miles south of Elizabeth. So his
Name Is ‘Ahmad Khan Rahami’
He is wanted Directly in the NY
bombing as ‘Being’ on the Cam
footage. They found him asleep
and he woke up “firing” at That
Cop who Found him. Thankfully
the police man wore his vest, &
wasn’t hurt. This is without any
doubt an Act Of Terrorism, and
(Any Others Going Down!)
that is “Without dispute”. More
vital information will come in &
you will ‘Get It Here’ As they all
update us. Any violent religious
Extremist Of Any Kind, will NOT
ever be “tolerated”, period. NYC
Mayor Bill DeBlasio Praised The
efforts sayin’ that they had “the
largest Anti-Terror Force of any
(Speaking Facts)
police force in the country”. SO,
violent extremists time is UP!!!!
(That NYC Bombing, injured 29
with ZERO fatalities. Very Glad)
Have a day!