Fact Checkers Feast…

September 27th, 2016

When Drumpf speaks, big, loud

lies seem to follow & last nights


“debate” was no Exception. The

Donald Duck thinks facts are so

“Boring” or “Silly”. The obvious

legitimate scientific polling with

this state Hillary Clearly Won it

with 62% stating She did better

and only 27% sayin’ that he did

But in the Poll note how close it

was with Obama and McCain in

2008. Holy shit. Forget That He

trump-tie(His ties)

lied About China Taking All OUR

jobs, while His Fucking Ties Are

Made In China. He lied again, &

again, and again. He claimed he

never said yes we should go into

Iraq. Yes, he did on the Howard

Stern Show. He then claimed he

never did said This about China:

“The concept of global warming
Was “Created” By, And, For The
Chinese just all in order to make
Manufacturing Non-competitive”


He did. It was a Tweet and it’s

STILL UP to this ‘Day’. He was

wrong on the NAFTA data and

he lied about that. He also lied

about Ford leaving, & Going to

Mexico will cost 1,000’s of jobs

Ford CEO Mark Fields Said he

will be Cutting ZERO jobs as it

moves. He’ll SO Be Getting his

fat, loud, racist stupid lyin’ Ass

trump-pointing-in-a-hold-pattern(Loser Fuck!)

handed in the next “2” debates

When one has substance & the

Other ‘A Bullshit Lying Factory’

you Get what we saw last night

So, Expect more to come and a

widening in the polls. BOOM!!!!

NOTE: Gutless, Turd Cruz Gets
In Line And Endorses Drumpfy
Ha Ha Ha! They Have No Souls
NOTE II: Lying Paul Ryan Said
Trump Did Well? WTF?!?!?!?!?
Another Republican Called It A
“Dumpster Fire” This Is Lunacy
UPDATE: Racist Cop Story She
Lied About Starts “UNraveling”

Have a day!

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