90’S Gaming Baby…

October 21st, 2016

The NES Classic Gaming System

Is STILL one Of The Best Around


Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, And Dr.

Mario were The Shit. Oh & Don’t

forget about Bases Loaded. Wow

those were some Sweet days, In

the 90’s at College for me. So go

rock your Days by living in Today

NOTE: The Philippine Are Going
With “Pure Evil”, By Siding With
Putin And….Running Over Killing
Peaceful Protestors. Wow Gross!
NOTE II: So, Trump Walks Away
From Reporter After Being Asked
About His Racist, & Sexist Words
Saying “I’m The Least Racist Guy
You’ve Ever Met”. Ahem, No Bud

Have a weekend!

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  2. RobertMat

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